Los beneficios de modelar con niños
Septiembre 2018 Los educadores que estamos comprometidos con una educación consciente, activa y respetuosa tenemos claro que la actividad principal del niño hasta los seis o siete años debe ser jugar. Además del placer que les produce esta actividad libre, el juego...
Exploring Seville with kids
July 2018 Are you coming to visit Seville with kids? After living one year in this beautiful city, I share the list of my favorite free, or low budget, activities to do with them: 15 free & cheap things to do in Seville with kids MARÍA LUISA PARK AREA • Explore...
Yoga for Children
June 21, 2015 Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual discipline. It has its origin in India and is one of the longest surviving practices of holistic health care in the world. On December 11 in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June...
Hello Summer!
June 2018 Are you ready for the summer? Get little eaters into the kitchen and use some easy and fun cooking recipes to enjoy healthy meals every day. They will love tasting their handiwork! We share some ideas and resources. BOOKS • Healthy Foods from A to Z: Comida...